Marcia is an accomplished accounting professional with over 30 years’ experience in the accounting field. She has extensive experience in the manufacturing industry where she held a variety of financial positions. Most recently, she was a Senior Accountant with CraftBilt Manufacturing Co. where she was responsible for the entire accounting department. She is proficient in Excel with expertise in creating pivot tables with advanced formulas. She is passionate about her work, highly focused, and always strives to deliver excellence to our clients.
Marcia joined our team in February 2021 with an admirable background, knowledge base, and intelligence; in fact, she graduated Summa Cum Laude from Gwynedd Mercy College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting.
Marcia currently resides in Telford PA. She enjoys reading, gardening, and spending time with her friends, family and new granddaughter. She also is very active in her church, performing with the handbell group and serving on the church council—as she puts it, she’s basically just enjoying life.
Get to know her in her own words:
What unusual skills or talents do you have that makes you an Individual?
I ring in a handbell group at church and am responsible for 4 bells, including the sharps and flats of those bells.
What is the best thing about your job?
The people that I work with.
What is your ideal vacation?
Relaxation with a mix of physical activity.
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
Reading minds.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip.